What’s New?

Craft Shows – Covid Style

Craft Shows – Covid Style

This my friends was the year! The year of my first foray into a full-fledged weaving business and I had 5 craft shows lined up. They were all juried shows, so I felt pretty excited to have been allowed in! But as well all know 2020 had other plans. So what is a craft...

The Humble Tea Towel

The Humble Tea Towel

I am a weaver. I make handwoven goods and for most of my 30+ years I have woven scarves and the odd blanket and baby wrap. I wove my first tea towel about 10 years ago as a guild challenge. Then promptly didn’t weave another for another 5 years. It’s not that I don’t...

Weaving a Story

Weaving a Story

Facebook can be a wonderful thing. It can also be a huge time suck but let’s stick with the positive for now, shall we? Several months ago a fantastic weaver named Anastasia Azure (https://www.anastasiaazure.com/) posted on a weaving FB group that she was looking for...

Is There Creativity In Your Life?

Is There Creativity In Your Life?

Creativity is a funny thing. In a recent zoom call someone asked where we found creativity in our lives outside of our weaving. Think about that for a minute dear reader. Was it tricky to find an answer? I have to admit that it was not difficult for me to answer but...

Covid-19 update

Covid-19 update

Are you tired of that phrase yet? It has been 4 months after all. Some of us are tired of isolation and lack of activity and some of us are glad the world finally slowed down to our comfortable pace. Either way you look at it, we still have some time to go in this...

Anatomy of a Face Mask

Anatomy of a Face Mask

The Facemask. Aka: Face Covering. Everyone’s new fashion accessory. In these Covid-19 days it is important to stay safe and keep others safe. According to the latest science our best defense is to wear a facemask. If you live in Canada as I do, specifically parts of...

Equipment in the time of Covid-19

Equipment in the time of Covid-19

Recently my sewing machine has been acting up. It has a computer on board – doesn’t everything these days? It isn’t acting up in the “Machines are rising up to take over the world” sort of way, thankfully. More in the “You want me to do what?” sort of way. Many years...

Pandemic Clean up – It’s not quite what you think.

Pandemic Clean up – It’s not quite what you think.

SO……. Crazy time. I don’t need to tell you. Am I right?!  I know we are all self-isolating as much as possible. The past few weeks I have felt very unproductive. Very. And as I follow my maker friends online, I see that while some are enjoying the solitude and...



Those of you who are of a similar vintage might now be humming a similar sounding Phil Collins tune. Sorry for the earworm. Everyone else will have no idea what I am talking about. But the good news is my studio is almost up and running! About time you might say! I...

Letting out my inner “creative”

Letting out my inner “creative”

If you have read my previous blog, you will know that we all have creativity within us. We just have to let it out. In a previous life I was a registered Interior Designer. I went to design school and had my own design business. I enjoyed being able to see the...

It costs how much???

It costs how much???

You may have overheard this at a craft/artisan show and sale. You may have thought it or even said it out loud yourself. I have often said it while looking at the cauliflower in the grocery store. I am here to tell you what you are paying for. Thank you for asking....

What to do When Creativity Strikes

What to do When Creativity Strikes

Now you might think that if creativity has already struck, why do I need any steps at all? Well, if you are like many people you might not even have recognized it. I see it everywhere and, in most people, but they just don’t recognize it in themselves. We tend to...